Does CBD Help with Social Anxiety?

Does CBD Help with Social Anxiety?

What Is Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety is a fairly common condition that is thought to affect one in ten people who live in the UK. It can be characterised by feelings of fear, paranoia or worry that is triggered by social situations. This can be during the days, weeks or months before a social event, during the event itself, or after the event. A study in the UK found that women are twice as likely to be affected by anxiety disorders than men.

Some specific triggers for people living with social anxiety include:

  • Meeting people, whether than be friends or strangers
  • Instigating conversation 
  • Going to events or places with large amounts of people, such as weddings or going shopping in a busy city
  • Speaking to people with authority 
  • Public speaking

People with social anxiety may need to give themselves extensive mental preparation before undertaking any of the above.

An image of a person suffering from anxiety.

What are the Symptoms of Social Anxiety?

People who are suffering with social anxiety may have a number of physical, mental, and behavioural symptoms. Often, the symptoms will be at their peak during the days and hours leading up to an event, or during the event itself. These symptoms include:

  • Racing heart beat
  • Dry mouth
  • Stomach issues
  • Low self esteem
  • Self conscious thoughts
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Panic attacks

Of course there are many symptoms that affect people stuffing from social anxiety; it will differ depending on the person. Many of the symptoms are comparable to those of generalised anxiety disorder (the clinical name for ‘everyday’ anxiety).

Can CBD Help With Social Anxiety?

We’ve discussed at length how CBD is known to relieve people from many symptoms related to generalised anxiety disorder, many of which are shared with social anxiety. However, there have been several studies that have focussed specifically on social anxiety, many of which have had extremely promising results.

This study, for example, targeted patients diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, and determined that CBD can reduce the symptoms of social anxiety through changing brain activity in specific areas of the brain.

A study in 2011 revolved around patients being given CBD before speaking in public. It found that CBD can potentially reduce fear in individuals before they take part in public speaking. As anybody suffering from social anxiety knows, these feelings of fear are similar to the ones they feel before social events.

For a wider overview, this study conducted an analysis of several previous studies related to CBD and it’s potential to ease the symptoms of people struggling with a range of different anxiety disorders, including social anxiety. 

Research into the power of CBD to help with all types of anxieties is constantly ongoing, but as you can see, there are some extremely positive signs that it can help. While we aren’t scientists, we can personally attest to how much CBD has helped us with our anxiety, as can many of our happy clients.

An image of a happy woman and a balloon.

How To Use CBD For Social Anxiety

As we’ve covered in our ‘How To’ guide, there are many ways that people can take CBD, so it’s best to experiment to find what’s best for you. However, to feel the full benefits of CBD, it’s always recommended to take it alongside other techniques, many of which have been proven to help those struggling with social anxiety.

Ways to help cope with social anxiety include:

  • Awareness of what makes you anxious and research into the condition. Often relating with others from the comfort of your computer can help you realise you are not alone, and help you rationalise your thoughts
  • Keeping a diary
  • Relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises and meditation
  • Breaking down events and scenarios into smaller, manageable chunks

We completely understand the impact that social anxiety can bring to your life, and we’re confident that using CBD alongside some of the above practices could have an incredibly positive effect. It’s why we began sharing CBD with the world; we know how powerful the substance can be in helping both mental and physical conditions.

ProLife CBD

Our CBD is some of the finest on the market, made from 100% organic help grown in a controlled environment over in Colorado, USA. Each batch is lab tested for purity and quality, and we add none of the nasty additives that many retail brands use in their products. Take a look at our range of oils and balms today!

If you would like to find out more information, we have a constantly updated blog with relevant and up to date studies and guides. Our friendly team are always available to answer any questions you may have, and can be reached at

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