Cherry Cavill
Does CBD Oil Cause Tiredness?
With more and more people looking to try CBD every day, one common question is whether CBD can cause tiredness or drowsiness. This is a completely valid question, as why would you want to use CBD every day if it made you feel tired? Similarly, many people who take CBD commute to work or operate heavy machinery, and in these cases feeling tired could result in serious injury or worse. If you’re wondering if CBD can cause tiredness, then we’re here to tell you that it’s a common misconception that you’ll feel drowsy when you take CBD. In fact, CBD...
Chloe Mayo
Does CBD Help with Social Anxiety?
What Is Social Anxiety? Social anxiety is a fairly common condition that is thought to affect one in ten people who live in the UK. It can be characterised by feelings of fear, paranoia or worry that is triggered by social situations. This can be during the days, weeks or months before a social event, during the event itself, or after the event. A study in the UK found that women are twice as likely to be affected by anxiety disorders than men. Some specific triggers for people living with social anxiety include: Meeting people, whether than be friends or...
Cherry Cavill
Can CBD Help You Quit Smoking?
We all know that smoking can have catastrophic implications to our health, but quitting smoking isn’t easy. Hopefully you are here because you are considering taking on one of the most important steps of your life; quitting. We applaud you for that, however we won’t lie to you and say the journey won’t be difficult. There are many techniques people can and have used to successfully quit smoking. While some people like to go ‘cold turkey’, we wouldn’t recommend that. It can be great for certain people, but only three in 5 of those who quit cold turkey stay cigarette-free...
Cherry Cavill
Does CBD Give You Energy?
Feeling tired and fatigued is something that plagues us all from time to time. A relentless work schedule, stress, and sleep deprivation is unfortunately becoming a more common problem as time goes on. When we’re so busy all of the time, it can be easy to fall into poor eating habits and forget to designate some time to relaxation. All of the above can lead to a lack of energy, and once you’re in the cycle, it can be difficult to break out. A lot of the time, simple or not so simple life-style changes can massively help towards feelings...
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